Raymond L. Flynn Commission Public Hearing
When: Wednesday, May 27, 6 p.m.
Where: Boston City Hall, 5th Floor, Gabriel F. Piemonte Room
What: Raymond L. Flynn Commission Hearing
Please join the Raymond L. Flynn Commission on May 27 at 6
p.m. at Boston City Hall in the Piemonte Room for a public hearing on how to
appropriately honor and commemorate the legacy of Ray Flynn.
The Raymond L. Flynn Commission was created by Boston City
Council President Bill Linehan and charged with making recommendations for
developing a suitable commemoration of Mayor Flynn’s legacy.
This is an opportunity for the public to join Mayor Flynn
supporters, colleagues, and friends to share their thoughts on how best to
remember and honor Mayor Flynn. Please attend and invite anyone else you know
who might be interested in talking about our Mayor, Ambassador, State
Representative, City Councilor, and friend, Ray Flynn.

Please RSVP to John Allison at